Editorial board of:

                - Journal of Mathematical Analysis (http://ilirias.com/jma/).

                - Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences A. Physical and Computational Sciences


               - International Journal of Analysis and Applications

( http://etamaths.com/index.php/ijaa/).

               - International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications                               (http://www.ijnaa.semnan.ac.ir/).

               - Mathematical Sciences: Quarterly Journal (https://link.springer.com/journal/40096/).

                - Journal of Classical Analysis (jca.ele-math.com).

                 - Journal of Mathematical Extension (www.ijmex.com).

                - Journal of Applied Mathematics (www.hindawi.com/journals/jam).

                - Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojfd/).

                - Applications and Applied Mathematics (http://www.pvamu.edu/aam).

                - Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (ijpam.uniud.it/journal/home.html).


-      4Open (https://www.4open-sciences.org/about-the-journal/editorial-board)


               - Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia (http://ejournals.ukm.my/apjitm).


               - Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization

                              (http:// http://ijnao.um.ac.ir/).


             - Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering (http://benthamscience.com/journals/recent-patents-on-mechanical-engineering)


             - Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center (http://jmmrc.uk.ac.ir/)


             - Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (http://ijfs.usb.ac.ir/).


-      Sci. (ISSN 2413-4155), (http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sci).


-      Emerging Science Journal (ISSN 2610-9182),

(http://ijournalse.org/index.php/ESJ/index ).